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Below are some of the Frequently Ask Questions.   Feel free to email or contact us if you have additional inquiries.

Why outsource to the Philippines?

First-class education system are just the beginning and low cost of living .While most businesses offshore to reduce costs or accelerate growth, there’s a lot more to it than just the cost and availability of labor. To really achieve the results you’re after, you need to choose a country with just the right combination of qualities

See why the Philippines is the best offshoring destination

  • The Philippines is the third-largest English-speaking country in the world, with approximately 60 million English speakers.
  • English is one of the country’s two official national languages (the other being Tagalog ), so everyone learns it at school, and it’s the official language of government, the legal system and higher education.
  • Importantly, this is more than just a statistic. Filipinos don’t just speak English; they speak it very well. In fact, among cities where English is a second language, Manila ranks no.8 in the world for proficiency.
Can we try the As400 Developer within a month and how much is the rate?

Yes, you can try the as400 developer and the rate is Flat $20/hour.   After one month the rate will increase based on the agreed price.

Do you Cater to Project based outsourcing to Philippines?

Yes,  we do project based development.   A project manager will be assigned to your company and the development will be done in Manila time, so that the following day you can see the progress.

Do you also cater to database Migration?

Our team are expert on As400 Database Migration which can do ETL or using Scott Klement JDBC framework to Access SQL Server, Oracle or MySQL without the need of proprietary ESB like MuleSoft.

Can your As400 developer work during Client working Hours?

Our As400 experts can work depending on the time the client requested.

What type of industry do you cater?

Our As400 team are expert on Insurance, Retail, Banking, Medical, Telecoms, Distribution, Financials, Logistics and Manufacturing.



What type of Currency to you expect for payment?

Our company is based in New Jersey so US dollar will be the expected payment.

Do you bill the client weekly, bi-weekly or monthly?

Payment can be weekly, bi-weekly or Monthly it all depends on the client.

How much is the rate per developer or team of developers?

Let’s discuss the rate per Developer or Team of Developers.   Email us regarding this concern.

We want the developer to be in the US do you have available consultants?

Right now we only cater to remote outsourcing to Philippines.   Email us regarding the requirements so we can refer you to our affiliates

Still have some questions?

Feel free and contact us today